Story | 02 Aug, 2011

2010 Annual Report of CEESP

The 2010 Annual Report of CEESP was tabled at the 76th meeting of the IUCN Council. In her introduction to the Report, CEESP Chair wrote, "The Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP) has over 1000 members spread across all regions of the world. It is no easy feat to foster cohesiveness in a voluntary network of experts whose expertise traverses environmental, economic, social and cultural policy, but it has been my honour and pleasure to contribute to achieving exactly this since Barcelona.

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Photo: CEESP

2010 has been a very productive year for CEESP. Achievements include; over fifty publications by CEESP or by CEESP members; quarterly production of the CEESP Newsletter profiling an increasingly visible membership; strong CEESP delegations at the Convention on Biological Diversity-SBSTTA and UNFCCC and CBD COP Conference of the Parties meetings; and a significantly improved sense of belonging to a vibrant Commission that has much to offer to local and global initiatives that endeavor to improve the sustainable livelihoods of peoples all over the world.

A full copy of the Annual Report is on the website: