Press release | 08 Nov, 2010

Celebrating the Earth Charter 10th Anniversary

On the occasion of the 10th Anniversary of the Earth Charter for North Africa and Middle East Region, the Jordan Hashemite Fund for Human Development (JOHUD) and Earth Charter global initiative are holding a celebration under the patronage of HRH Princess Basma Bint Talal from 23-24 November 2010 at the Dead Sea. This celebration is held in partnership and funding of Ministry of Environment and IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature – Regional Office for West Asia (ROWA) and in cooperation with Talal Abu Ghazaleh Group.

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Photo: Petra News Agency

A press conference was held on November 7th at the Ministry of Environment to discuss the details of this event in the presence of Ministry of Environment Secretary General HE Eng. Faris Al-Juneidi, IUCN West Asia Regional Director Dr. Odeh Al-Jayyousi, JOHUD Deputy Director/ Sustainable Development Programme Manager Ms. Salma Atiyyah and The Queen Zein Al Sharaf Institute for Development (ZENID) Director Dr. Sawsan Al Majali.

“Hosting the Earth Charter’s 10th Anniversary celebration is considered a regional and international recognition for Jordan’s remarkable steps in mainstreaming earth charter’s principles in the development arena and the vast experience gained by the environmental and developmental institutions in Jordan that represent role models to neighboring countries,” said HE Faris Al Juneidi, Ministry of Environment Secretary General.

“IUCN will celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Earth Charter through launching three IUCN Arabic translated publications on ecosystem management jointly with the Ministry of Environment,” said Dr. Odeh Al Jayyousi, IUCN West Asia Regional Director. “This scientific approach demonstrates IUCN’s mandate in documenting best practice and transferring its international experience to the regional and local levels,” added Al Jayyousi.

“HRH Princess Basma bint Talal has signed the Earth Charter document in the year 2000. This was the starting point for Jordan to spread the awareness on the Earth Charter’s principles among all segments of society and create a commitment to implement those principles in different aspects of life.” Said Ms Salma Atieh, JOHUD Deputy Director/ Sustainable Development Programme Manager.

“Through this celebration, we aim to emphasize the moral obligation of conserving our planet. The activities of Queen Zein Al Sharaf Institute for Development (ZENID) are derived from the Earth Charter principles to respect and care for the community of life, ecological integrity, social and economic justice and democracy nonviolence and peace.” Said Dr. Sawsan Al Majali, Director of The Queen Zein Al Sharaf Institute for Development (ZENID).

This celebration aims at raising the awareness about the Earth Charter Initiative "ECI" with a special focus on sustainability and education in the region, share experiences and methodologies about how to apply the Earth Charter in different fields related to sustainability and education and forge regional collaboration through the establishment of a Regional Network.

A number of key regional experts will participate in this event to showcase their success stories and experiences in implementing the Earth Charter principles in the region. The main principles of Earth Charter are; respect and care for the community of life, ecological integrity, social and economic justice and democracy nonviolence and peace.

IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature will launch three publications on ecosystem management namely; Pay, Flow and The Ecosystem Approach. The three publications were translated by IUCN through the Zarqa River Restoration Project in partnership with Ministry of Environment and funded by the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation Development (AECID). IUCN chose the Earth Charter celebration to launch those publications due to the relevance of the ecosystem management with Earth Charter’s principles.

Press conference spokespeople:
HE Eng. Faris Al Juneidi, Ministry of Environment Secretary General
Dr. Odeh Al-Jayyousi, IUCN West Asia Regional Director
Ms. Salma Atiyyah, JOHUD Deputy Director/ Sustainable Development Programme Manager
Dr. Sawsan Al Majali, Director of The Queen Zein Al Sharaf Institute for Development (ZENID)

Media team:

Rania Faouri, Communications Officer, IUCN Regional Office for West Asia
Mobile +962 777888522, e-mail  Website:  

Reema Al Hindi, Ministry of Environment Mobile: +962796903118