Story | 24 Mar, 2010

IUCN publishes FLEGT resources in Thai

IUCN has issued Thai versions of two publications describing important legal and policy changes in the United States and Europe that will affect Thailand's forest resources and industry.

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Photo: IUCN

The first, เอกสารสรุปย่อเรื่อง FLEGT, is a collection of eight briefing notes on the European Union’s Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Action Plan. Adopted in 2003, the Plan sets out various measures for combating illegal logging and associated trade, including a licensing system for legally produced timber. The briefing notes cover all aspects of defining, verifying and licensing legal timber products.

The second, กฎหมายเลซีย์ของสหรัฐอเมริกา ฉบับแก้ไข: ผลที่เกี่ยวพันกับผู้ส่งออกผลิตผลจากป่าของประเทศไทย (Amendment to the U.S. Lacey Act: Implications for Exporters of Thailand’s Forest Products), outlines the implications for Thailand’s forest industry of recent amendments to a key piece of US legislation aimed at prohibiting trade in illegally sourced plant and wood products.

IUCN has produced these translations in cooperation with the Delegation of the European Union to Thailand and Forest Trends. They form part of IUCN’s ongoing efforts to raise awareness and understanding of changes in international timber markets and their implications for the management and governance of Asia’s forests.

English versions of the Briefing Notes and the Lacey Act brief can be downloaded from the European Commission and Forest Trends respectively.