Press release | 29 Jan, 2014

On the Road to the Bonn Challenge

Two years into the Bonn Challenge, the world is well on its way to achieving the goal of restoring 150 million hectares of the planet’s degraded and deforested lands.

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Two years after the launch of the Bonn Challenge in Bonn, Germany, on September, 2011 - the world is well on its way to achieving the ambitious goal of restoring 150 million hectares of the planet’s degraded and deforested lands by 2020.

Already over 20 million hectares of land have been pledged for restoration from countries as diverse as Brazil, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Rwanda, and the United States. A further 30 million hectares of land have been identified for possible pledges in 2014.

A new video (above) released by The Global Partnership on Forest Landscape Restoration, a network of governments, individuals and institutions devoted to supporting restoration efforts around the world, describes the motivation behind the Bonn Challenge and provides an update on progress in 2013.

For more information on the Bonn Challenge and what IUCN is doing to foster the restoration of the world’s degraded ecosystems – visit our forest landscape restoration site or write to

Or visit the Global Partnership at: