Artículo | 09 Mayo, 2012

Linking Poverty Alleviation to Ecosystem Service Payments in Asia Pacific

“Linking Poverty Alleviation to Ecosystem Service Payments in Asia Pacific: A Call to Action”.  The Foundation for Development Cooperation produced the following Discussion Paper in March 2012  “Linking Poverty Alleviation to Ecosystem Service Payments in Asia Pacific: A Call to Action”.  The Discussion Paper is co-authored by the Foundation for Development Cooperation and Conservation International.

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“Linking Poverty Alleviation to Ecosystem Service Payments in Asia Pacific: A Call to Action”.  The Foundation for Development Cooperation produced the following Discussion Paper in March 2012  “Linking Poverty Alleviation to Ecosystem Service Payments in Asia Pacific: A Call to Action”.  The Discussion Paper is co-authored by the Foundation for Development Cooperation and Conservation International.

It introduces the Payment for Ecosystem Services + approach (PES) and highlights opportunities to improve both the livelihoods of PES scheme participants and the quality of their ecosystems in Asia-Pacific region. The paper is available to download through this link: Click here. I am currently seeking community, funding and implementation partners to progress the work.

The citation is:

Edwards, Ryan; Shawn Hunter; Carly Stephan; Myan Phantram, Chris Margules and Mike Nurse (2012). Linking Poverty Alleviation to Ecosystem Service Payments in Asia Pacific: A Call to Action. Discussion Paper, The Foundation for Development Cooperation, Brisbane. March 2012.