Artículo | 22 Mayo, 2015

IUCN Director General to attend the first World Leaders´ Conservation Forum

IUCN Director General Inger Andersen will join international efforts to seek creative nature-based solutions to global environmental challenges by addressing the World Leaders´ Conservation Forum (WLCF) which takes place on Jeju Island, Republic of Korea, 7 to 9 July.

This will be Ms Andersen’s, first visit to the Republic of Korea since she joined IUCN. The Forum is being jointly organised by Korea´s Ministry of Environment, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province and IUCN.

We very much appreciate the Republic of Korea’s remarkable contribution to sustainable development during the last decade illustrated by the adoption of the Green Growth Strategic Report, the Rio+20 Summit Declaration, and the Jeju Declaration, released during the last IUCN World Conservation Congress,” said Ms Andersen. “Now, with the World Leaders´ Conservation Forum, the Ministry of Environment of Korea, together with the province of Jeju, have the opportunity to showcase both regional and global examples of environmental sustainability.”

The Forum is designed to build bridges between global and local action towards sustainable development. It will provide a platform for leaders from all sectors of society to discuss nature-based solutions to global environmental, economic, and social challenges. Under the theme of ‘Nature: a path to peace and coexistence’, the Forum will address issues such as the relationship between people and wildlife, resilient ecosystems and their role in sustainable development, and the role of nature and nature conservation in building peace.

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