Artículo | 07 Nov, 2017

Forest events and discussions at COP23

Forests are fundamental to climate change dialogues at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Congress of Parties 23 (UNFCCC COP23). IUCN is engaging in forest discussions at several venues, including the IUCN Pavilion, where an array of high-level and thought-provoking events will take stage.

Key forest events at IUCN Pavilion, Nov. 8 & 14

Wednesday, November 8
The morning will begin with a look at a new analysis of the role of nationally determined contributions (NDCs) in an open house called Unlocking the potential of NDCs through forest landscape restoration (10:00-11:30). Following this, partners will present results from an analysis of the funding landscape for REDD+ and climate action on forests in Financing landscapes for forests with IUCN, EDF, Forest Trends and WWF​ (12:00-14:00). Then, from 14:30-16:00, particpants will learn from country experiences in applying forest landscape restoration as a nature-based solution in a session called IUCN Forests Country Showcase

A featured event called IUCN Forests High-Level Dialogue: Achieving national climate goals through forest landscape restoration will take place from16:30-18:00, where high-level government and NGO representatives will discuss their national successes with FLR in achieving domestic climate goals through the Bonn Challenge. This event will be followed by a Bonn Challenge reception from 18:30-20:00. 

Tuesday, November 14
From 10:00-11:30 this morning, speakers will discuss What is the role for primary forests, including intact forest landscapes, in climate change mitigation and adaptation? Nature-based solutions to climate change will take centre stage from 12:00-13:30 in Nature based solutions for a climate resilient Europe. In the afternoon the focus will turn toward SDG 2 in Getting it right: FLR investments for ecological and economic gains, while enhancing food production and productivity at global and local level by examining the nexus of food security and FLR.

IUCN Pavilion forest events
All IUCN Pavilion events