Artículo | 23 Abr, 2018

IUCN Green List gets a new logo!

The new IUCN Green List logo is the graphic identifier for the IUCN Green List of Protected and Conserved Areas (the ‘IUCN Green List’) programme, which implements a new global standard for protected areas in the 21st Century.

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Photo: IUCN

The IUCN Green List logo is available for use by sites joining the Green List programme, Implementing Partners, members of Expert Assessment groups for the Green List (EAGLs), and organisations supporting implementation of the Green List Programme, on prior approval and in accordance with the aims of the initiative.

The logo is inspired by indigenous art from the first Green Listed site in the world— Arakwal National Park in Australia, jointly managed between the Bundjalung of Byron Bay People (Arakwal) and NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service.

Concentric circles in indigenous art can have many meanings, including strong interrelationships between nature and society. Other aspects of the logo indicate landscape or seascape contours, management zones, a water drop, ripple effects, and tree growth rings. A natural colour palette of coastal and terrestrial blues and greens is used.

Through this logo, the IUCN Green List programme conveys how it promotes and advances improved management and equitable governance of committed protected and conserved areas as anchors of successful conservation outcomes, with ripple effects that benefit nature and people across landscapes and seascapes.

All this symbolises the IUCN Green List programme well and captures IUCN’s vision of ‘a just world that values and conserves nature’.

IUCN worked with Design Factory, an independent design practice based in Dublin, to come up with a unique graphic identity and iconography for the Green List. All of this is presented in the new Visual Identity guidelines which outline how to represent the IUCN Green List logo in communications materials - covering use of the logo and variants, exclusion zone, rules for partner logos, colour palette, icons and several use cases.  General enquiries, requests for approval of use and design files should be sent to

Conor Clarke, Director of Design Factory says: “We are passionate about engaging in design projects that positively affect social and environmental change. Working on the IUCN Green List visual identity gave us the opportunity to do this on a global level. It is an initiative we are very proud to be associated with.”

For more information about the IUCN Green List programme please visit: