Institute of Rural Management

Institute of Rural Management (IRM), established in 1993, is the leading capacity development and learning facility in the not-for-profit sector in Pakistan. It is committed to eradicate poverty, reduce inequality and improve the quality of life of the rural communities by empowering them to harness their true human, social and economic potential. Its areas of intervention include Health, Education, Academics, Social Mobilization, Vocational and Technical Education, Entrepreneurship, Environment and Natural Resource Management and Management Development. IRM offers a diverse range of training programmes for members of rural communities and professionals from national and international organizations. IRM imparts its training programmes through client-specific strategies which are designed and fine-tuned exclusively to meet the needs of recipient organizations. These needs are identified through several tiers of diagnostic assessment and institutional analyses. We conduct up to 500 different types of training and our methodology is based on a combination of formal interventions like training workshops and informal interactions such as coaching and mentoring. In the last two decades, IRM has trained more than 1 million people. IRM has presence in over 100 Districts of Pakistan, including Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Federally Administered Tribal Areas, and has worked with the Federal and Provincial Governments and various national and international organizations, including the UN agencies, World Bank, ADB, USAID and DFID. IRM has also worked in partnership with the Norwegian government. IRM is an ISO 9001-2008 certified entity with highly organized internal controls and systems in place which include financial procedures, staff service rules, gender policy and administrative processes. IRM is registered under section 42 of Companies Ordinance 1984.

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