Communiqué de presse | 16 Nov, 2009

First IDDV hand Book Dissemination cluster workshop at District Loralai

LORALAI November 17: Balochistan Programme of IUCN Pakistan organised a one day Integrated District Development Vision (IDDV) Hand Book dissemination workshop for the Zhob division at District Loralai.

 This workshop was the first of the series of six cluster workshops which will be held all over Balochistan for the dissemination of the IDDV Handbook for development of Integrated District Development Visions (IDDV s) . IUCN has already prepared the Integrated District Development Visions for Gwadar and  Qila Saifullah  which are presently  in the implementation phase.  There are demand from the surrounding Districts that their districts should also be included in this Vision development process.

Mr. Zabardast Khan Bangash, Manager IUCN Balochistan Program, welcomed the guests and delivered a detailed presentation on the IDDV Handbook covering all the salient features. It is a guiding tool for the provincial and district governments, government officials for incorporating its recommendations in the annual development programme. He appreciated DCO Qila Saifullah on introducing and adopting the coordination mechanism of gathering the stakeholders including NGO, District Govt Officials for monthly progress updates of the District on monthly basis, which was suggested by IUCN. He told the participants to adopt and replicate the same model set by DCO Qila Saifullah in their Districts as well.  

Commissioner Zhob Division highly appreciated IUCN’s efforts and requested for same awareness workshops on general environmental issues. He said this was the first ever forum provided by IUCN giving the opportunity to people from every walk of life to have their say.

DCO Loralai said he was aware of IUCN’s work from his time in Ziarat where IUCN is implementing Juniper conservation project and he also applauded IUCN’s work during the earthquake of Ziarat. He said there is a strong need to build effective coordination between government departments and International Organizations for the betterment of the poor. This was followed by question and answer session through which recommendations and suggestions were recorded. Material/Promotional kits by IUCN containing copy of IDDV Handbook, stickers, caps, Urdu Brochures, shirts were disseminated among the participants.

Mr. Zabardast Khan Bangash, Manager IUCN Balochistan gave vote of thanks and appreciated the participation by the stakeholders in  making the workshop successful.

Commissioner Zhob Division Haider Ali Shikoh, District Nazim Zhob; Molvi Mohammad Sarwar, District Nazim Sherani; Haji Hassan Sherani, District Nazim Musakhel; Sardar Taimoor Shah, District Naib Nazim Musakhel; Molvi Sirajuddin, District Naib Nazim Barkhan; Azam Jan Hassni, Tehsil Nazim Musakhel Abdul Ghaffar, District Coordination Officer Musakhel; Mohammad Hashim Sherani, District Coordination Officer Loralai; Suhail-ur-Rehman Baloch, District Coordination officer Sherani, Hameedullah Sherani, Deputy District Coordination Officer Zhob Agha Nabeel, Executive District Officers Livestock, Forest, PHE, Revenue and Agriculture of each districts, members of Civil Society Organizations from each districts and members of print and electronics media, Program Manager IUCN Balochistan Zabardast Khan Bangash, District Coordinator Qila Saifullah Muhammad Yahya Musakhail, Naseebullah Khan from IUCN, and Mehboob Baloch from IUCN attended the workshop.

For more information, please contact:

Ms. Faryal Ahmed
Balochistan Partnerships for Sustainable Development
IUCN Balochistan Office
Marker Cottage, Zarghoon Road

Tel: + 92 81 2840450

About IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)

Created in 1948, IUCN brings together 83 States, 111 government agencies, 800 plus NGOs, and some 10,000 scientists and experts from 148 countries in a unique worldwide partnership. The Union’s mission is to influence, encourage and assist societies throughout the world to conserve the integrity and diversity of nature and to ensure that any use of natural resources is equitable and ecologically sustainable.

The Union is the world's largest environmental knowledge network and has helped over 75 countries to prepare and implement national conservation and biodiversity strategies. The Union is a multicultural, multilingual organization with 1,000 staff located in 62 countries. Its headquarters are in Gland, Switzerland.

IUCN Pakistan has programmes from the north to the south of the country and multiple field projects. It is one of the nine Country Offices of IUCN's Asia Programme, covering 23 countries with a workforce of nearly 500.

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