Article | 02 Aoû, 2010

A visit to IUCN Secretariat by Shell’s Manager of Sensitive Areas

Joanna Cochrane, Manager Sensitive Areas in Shell Upstream International, visited the IUCN Secretariat to present Shell's newly formed Sensitive Areas team and hold exploratory discussions.

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Photo: Joanna Cochrane

During the visit, held from 21-22 July 2010, Ms Cochrane presented the objectives and approach of Shell's newly formed Sensitive Areas team to the general Secretariat staff. She also held exploratory discussions on the following topics:

  • Species conservation: exploring ideas for the Shell Heartlands species conservation project and potential synergies with the IUCN Save Our Species Project
  • Western Grey Whale Advisory Panel: exploring the potential for extension of the current WGWAP or a modification thereof
  • Marine issues: understanding the Marine Programme’s thinking about introducing the concept of Marine Protected Areas in the High Seas
  • World Heritage Sites: potential joint industry cooperation with IUCN and UNESCO on World Heritage Site processes
  • Niger Delta: potential for Shell Petroleum Development Company collaboration with UNDP-GEF on a programme to “Mainstream Biodiversity into Oil and Gas Industry in the Niger Delta
  • Advisory panels: IUCN experience of technical and other forms of project advisory panels that might be of interest to Shell.