Article | 27 Juil, 2016

Journey through the Bonn Challenge – event series at IUCN Congress

Join IUCN as we celebrate the milestones achieved by the Bonn Challenge and reflect on lessons learned at the IUCN World Conservation Congress in September 2016 in Honolulu, Hawai’i. 

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Photo: jastrijebphoto/iStock

The Bonn Challenge – a global effort to restore 150 million hectares of degraded and deforested lands by 2020 and 350 million by 2030 – has just passed 100 million hectares! To celebrate, we’re inviting participants to follow the stories of implementation, successes and challenges that have built the foundation of this inspirational achievement.

September 2

Kickstart your Bonn Challenge journey with an in-depth look at forest landscape restoration (FLR) in the United States with Forest Service Chief, Tom Tidwell. The U.S. has committed to restoring 15 million hectares by 2020 and Tidwell will describe the progress that has been made and the way forward.

September 3

Start your day with a high-level panel discussion led by Bonn Challenge pledgers and their partners. They will discuss their experiences with FLR, the implementation hurdles they faced in their countries and how they overcame them.

Spend the afternoon learning about The Restoration Initiative (TRI), a 10-country programme under the GEF that brings together expertise, technical partners and financing in support of FLR, led by IUCN with partners FAO and UNEP. TRI’s goal is to restore and maintain critical degraded and deforested landscapes at scale, in support of the Bonn Challenge.

In tune with our Hawaiian surroundings, we’re ending the day with a Pau Hana (Hawaiian phrase for the ‘finishing of work’). Join us at the Forest Pavilion for this networking cocktail to celebrate the Bonn Challenge reaching the 100 million hectares milestone!

September 4

Engage with leaders from the public and private sectors as they discuss the cross-sectoral benefits of forest landscape restoration, with an expert panel and interactive audience discussion tables. This final high-level dialogue will focus on the challenges and opportunities of FLR as we look to the future of our planet at the crossroads and how to achieve the next Bonn Challenge milestone.

Check out the full schedule here.

Follow us at @IUCN_forests to see all our #ForestJourney activities at #IUCNCongress.