Article | 28 Juil, 2017

Meeting of the IUCN Delegation with the Governor Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province

Mr. Mahmood Akhtar Cheema, Country Representative, IUCN Pakistan accompanied by Dr Abdul Majeed, Water Energy and Climate Change Expert, IUCN Pakistan met with H.E. the Governor of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Engr. Zafar Iqbal Jhagra at the Governor House Peshawar on 12 July 2017.

The IUCN delegation was welcomed by H.E. the Governor. Mr. Cheema presented an overview of IUCN niche and traced the history of activities carried out since 1985 when IUCN was established in Pakistan. The work commenced with the development of the National Conservation Strategy that trickled down to the provincial level particularly the Sarhad Sustainable Development Programme. He also briefed him on the ongoing work under the Water Governance Project (FATA Environmental Cell) and the various concrete outputs from the Cell activities. He elaborated the work under the project on establishing Green Clubs in the schools of FATA that would go a long way in raising awareness amongst the youth and promoting green culture.

Mr. Cheema also apprised H.E. the Governor about IUCN’s efforts and inputs which enabled KPK Government to join the Bonn Challenge. He shared with the Honorable Governor that his remarks in Bonn Challenge Seminar in Indonesia were very well received.

His Excellency appreciated the outstanding work on the environmental front by IUCN in FATA – a remote and underdeveloped area – and the contribution it was rendering in promoting the environmental awareness and greening the development processes in FATA. He assured that the Government would be looking forward to IUCN’s support in the upcoming development projects as and when required.

H.E. the Governor then invited the Acting Chief Secretary (Development), FATA who happened to be in the Governor House to join the meeting. The Additional Chief Secretary expressed his keen interest in IUCN’s activities and pointed out that the most serious problem faced by FATA is the poor state of watersheds that has been responsible for heavy soil erosion in the catchment areas. The sediments are taken to downstream areas which shortens the life of reservoirs. Mr. Cheema informed him about the possibility of getting funding through the Green Climate Fund. The Additional Chief Secretary also assured Government’s full support to IUCN in its future endeavors in the region. .

At the closing of the meeting His Excellency the Governor also presented a souvenir to Mr. Mahmood Akhtar Cheema.