Article | 14 Déc, 2017

The Bonn Challenge and the Paris Agreement: How can forest landscape restoration advance Nationally Determined Contributions?

IUCN advocates that key international climate change mitigation targets called NDCs, in order to be strengthened, should be translated into robust, ambitious and implementable policy instruments to bridge the global emissions gap and enhance the adaptive capacity of social and environmental systems. A recent brief with new analysis and discussion demonstrates that FLR plays a key role.

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Photo: IUCN / Patricia Ugalde

A rapid analysis of all Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)  national instruments for demonstrating political ambition to achieve the Paris Agreement – conducted by IUCN in collaboration with Climate Focus, provides some key insights into opportunities for enhancing countries' NDCs through forest landscape restoration (FLR) and the Bonn Challenge.

“Nature-based solutions such as protecting and restoring forests can contribute over one-third of the total climate change mitigation required by 2030 to keep temperature rise below 2˚C.”

—Inger Andersen, Director General, IUCN

 IUCN Forest Brief, No. 21 The Bonn Challenge and the Paris Agreement: How can forest landscape restoration advance Nationally Determined Contributions?

This forest brief stresses some key messages on how IUCN's work in advancing FLR as a nature-based solution to climate change  including the Bonn Challenge global restoration goal, and through more targeted restoration opportunites assessment methodology (ROAM) operations – are contributing to national efforts for designing and implementing climate change action in the forest sector. 

Access the forest brief in story format.