Article | 14 Mar, 2018

Red Alert!

15 Endangered Animals Fighting to Survive

Pick a place. Choose a creature. Discover its story and the danger it faces.

Then, find out how to help it survive.

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Photo: Anne Wilson / Red Alert!

Red Alert! is a children’s book arriving in bookshops this week, which is inspired by The IUCN Red List of Threatened SpeciesTM. From the blue whale and Sunda pangolin, to the peacock tarantula and giant panda, Red Alert! covers the natural history of fifteen wild and wonderful species that are on the Red list. The author, Catherine Barr, weaves a story and interesting facts about each species across a beautifully illustrated page.

Barr also brings another dimension to the book by showcasing the ways people interact with wildlife, such as by being a zookeeper, wildlife ranger or film-maker. A ‘Danger Box’ on each page lists the species’ category on the IUCN Red List and describes what threats each animal faces. Children are encouraged to find out how to help each species survive.

“Around the world scientists are collecting stories, facts and figures that help us understand and care for life on Earth. Some of these scientists are working together to create a gigantic Red List of animals, plants and fungi,”  writes Catherine Bar in Red Alert!

Sir David Attenborough is quoted in the book saying, “The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List tells us where we urgently need to do something to prevent the despoliation of this world. It is a great agenda for the work of conservationists.”

Much of Anne Wilson’s (the illustrator) work is inspired by everyday life; pattern, colour and shape. She incorporates figurative elements, layers and textures, with mixed media, printmaking and computer techniques.

Barr specialises in presenting "big issues for small people" and this interactive, engaging and informative book will inspire children to save our planet!