Article | 05 Mar, 2019

M2PA Call for Proposals - Creating A Conservation Trust Fund for Marine Protected Areas

The Association for Sustainable Financing of Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas (M2PA)  has announced a CFP to design a Mediterranean Conservation Trust Fund, focusing on projects in Morocco, Tunisia and Albania. Consultancy firms and experts are invited to apply.

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Photo: IUCN Med

Deadline for submission is March 24th 2019

Following the activities of the Barcelona Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region, M2PA seeks to create a long-term financial mechanism to enhance Mediterranean MPA management effectiveness”. In order to attain this goal, M2PA is financially supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and Le Fonds Français pour l’Environnement Mondial (FFEM).

Furthermore, M2PA partners with other institutions and foundations, including the IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation and others such as Specially Protected Areas Regional Activity Centre (SPA/RAC), the Network of MPAs Managers in the Mediterranean (MedPAN), WWF-Mediterranean, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, Conservatoire du Littoral, Monaco Oceanographic Institute, Mediterranean Small Islands Organization and the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF).

Further details about the requirements can be found in these links: