Article | 02 Nov, 2021

Samoa National Environment Week: Key Marine Spatial Planning report and communication materials launched

The EU and IUCN extends a warm congratulations to Samoa’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment on the launch of key communications materials from the Marine Spatial Planning project funded through the GCCA+ project.

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Photo: MSP reports launched by Samoa PM - PC Samoa MNRE

With the support of the many Samoan stakeholders, the Marine Bioregions Report for Samoa, infographic materials for Special and Unique Marine Areas (SUMA), Marine Ecosystem Service Valuation, Marine Bioregions, and the Samoa Ocean Plan brochure were launched by the Honourable Prime Minister, Fiamē Naomi Mataʻafa at a special event commemorating National Environment Week on 01st November 2021.

With the theme for this year’s event as “Proper waste management is part of the solution to biodiversity loss in Samoa”, the launch of these reports and communication materials amplify the relevance of marine spatial planning in achieving Samoa’s key commitments towards protecting the environment and sustainably managing marine biodiversity for and peoples livelihoods and health.

The EU is pleased to support the Government of Samoa, through IUCN to provide technical support in developing these important milestones under the Samoa Ocean Strategy as well as progressing key national and international commitments under the UNFCCC, CBD and CMS.

IUCN is pleased to provide technical support to Samoa as they work towards designing and implementing a marine spatial plan that will not only protect and manage Samoa’s key marine biodiversity but also contribute towards maintaining food security and improve climate resiliency for Samoans in years to come”, said Mr. Mason Smith, Regional Director of IUCN Oceania.

These reports and infographic materials reflect the willingness of the people of Samoa to engage, learn and sustainably manage their marine resources. Whether it is to classify marine bioregions, identify the special and unique marine areas or quantify the value of the ecosystem services of Samoa’s marine environment; the data and information collated will be useful in national planning processes”, added Mr. Hans Wendt, Marine Programme Coordinator of IUCN Oceania.

This launch event was hosted by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment with funding support European Union GCCA+ project and technical support from IUCN.