Story | 31 Jul, 2019

IUCN leads tree planting kick-off campaign in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh

IUCN – Bangladesh in collaboration with other humanitarian and conservation actors has inaugurated the plantation kick-off campaign on 26 June 2019 in Cox's Bazar, considering the importance of restoration of heavily degraded forest areas around the world’s largest refugee camp. With the theme of “Let’s Go Green” a total of 100 seedlings of native tree species has been planted within the camp area.

Part of the “Biodiversity Conflict Mitigation around the Refugee Camp of Cox’s Bazar District” project, IUCN Bangladesh, together with humanitarian and conservation actors led the tree planting kick-off campaign in the world’s largest refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar District, Bangladesh.

With the theme “Let’s Go Green” the tree planting kick-off campaign was inaugurated on 26 June 2019 to address deforestation and as a greening programme for the refugee camps.  The programme started with the participants planting of almost 100 seedlings of native tree species.

Chief Guest of the event Mr. Mohammad Abul Kalam, Nezarot Deputy Collector (NDC), Additional Secretary of the Bangladesh Government said, I thank IUCN and the refugee volunteers for their efforts in reducing Human-Elephant Conflict and implementation of wildlife conservation activities since last year. I also appreciate their efforts towards the camp greening programme and for leading the coordination with relevant partners.”

Representatives from the Bangladesh Forest Department (BFD), Refugee Relief and Repatriation Commissioner (RRRC), Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), International Organization for Migration (IOM), United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), World Food Programme (WFP), BRAC, Arannyak Foundation, Center for Natural Resource Studies (CNRS), Caritas, and other INGOs and NGOs participated the tree planting kick-off campaign.

Mr. Raquibul Amin Country Representative of IUCN Bangladesh said, “Let’s stand together to save the environment. Together as one, let us work with the government because this is the perfect way to address multi-dimensional problems. Soon, with this programme we will see more green coverage within the camp areas."  He also mentioned that the Elephant Response Teams supported by the project have already done a fantastic job of saving lives and saving elephants.

Mr. Paul Mccallion Senior Energy and Environment Officer of UNHCR said, "We are achieving a common goal of greening our refugee camps. Special thanks to IUCN for their active participation in the tree planting programme."  

This year, IUCN aims to plant around 130,000 seedlings of native tree species in a 50-hectare area inside the refugee camps.