Story | 14 Sep, 2019

Webinar on CSOs creating a 'win-win' for agriculture and conservation

From catchment to kitchen, sustainable food production is inspiring change. On 26 September, IUCN's BioBiz Exchange initiative will join forces with IUCN Member Rare to host its 4th PANORAMA webinar, "Working with the agriculture sector to enhance nature."

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Photo: IUCN-Steve Edwards

This webinar will explore how civil society organisations (CSOs) are engaging the agricultural sector to enhance nature and people’s livelihoods. Following a short overview by Rare on how behavourial change approaches can be used for conservation, experts will present two different PANORAMA case studies, highlighting the key components and lessons learned from projects in Ethiopia and Ecuador. 

This interactive webinar is an opportunity to hear directly from those who have successfully engaged the agricultural sector to bring about transformational change for conservation. There will also be time for participants to ask questions and learn more about how they can share their own "solutions" on the PANORAMA platform.

To attend the webinar on Thursday, 26 September from 14:00-15:00 (CEST), please register here:

The agenda is as follows:

1. Welcome and introductions – by Nadine McCormick, IUCN Global Business and Biodiversity Programme, and host of the webinar series

2. Designing effective approaches to change agricultural practices – by Dulce Espelosin, Rare

3. Presentation of case studies

4. Q&A and discussion

5. Wrap up

For further information, please visit the IUCN BioBiz Exchange webpage or the PANORAMA thematic communities on Agriculture and Biodiversity and Business Engagement. There you will find examples of other solutions concerned with transforming the agriculture sector, including: 

Again, to participate in the webinar on Thursday, 26 September, register here