Story | 03 Sep, 2021

Join us at IUCN Congress, onsite or virtually

IUCN ECARO is organising and supporting various sessions at the IUCN Congress in Marseille, opening today. We are pleased to invite registered participants to join us at any of them, be it onsite or virtually.

We look forward to welcoming you!

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IUCN Congress email banner

Photo: IUCN Congress email banner

Saturday, 4 September

10:00- 12:00

Round-table discussion on Climate-Nature Nexus: Scaling-up Nature-based Solutions for Climate H9 - A 4 Meeting Room (Onsite & livestreamed) | During this round-table debate we will investigate the climate-nature nexus, the Nature-based Solutions potential to support climate adaptation and the role of the IUCN Global Standard in this process
Sunday, 5 September

Conservation action to benefit Species, Habitats, and People H3 - Reverse the Red Pavilion (Onsite only) | This session will focus on how to deliver positive impacts for species, habitats and people, engaging important donors and the private sector, with the IUCN Save Our Species approach


Restoration of Grassland Ecosystems: Actions on the ground H3 - Nature-based Solutions and Ecosystem Restoration (Onsite & livestreamed) | This session is contributing to the elevation of global grasslands ecosystems and rangelands as key opportunities, through conservation of biological and cultural diversity, mitigation and adaptation to climate change, sustainable livelihoods and especially for food production

18:30-20:30 Gender and environment ‘101’: a hands-on, fast-tracked training for gender-responsive conservation (Virtual Channel 5, Online only) | In this session, participants will get hands-on training to understand cross-sectoral gender-environment links and learn how to integrate gender in project design, implementation, M&E, reporting and learning
Monday, 6 September

The European Green Belt Initiative – Bridging boundaries to protect Europe’s longest green network EU stand, Exhibition Hall 3 (Onsite only) | This session aims to increase awareness on ecological fragmentation and to call for support for an effective green infrastructure strategy


Transfrontier conservation in Southern Africa Protected Areas Pavillion (Onsite only: access) | This exchange will include a presentation of the TBC Diagnostic Tool


ECARO Members’ meeting H8 - 3 Verdon (Onsite only) | An opportunity to meet, network, exchange, introduce the ECARO team and discuss our programme priorities

Tuesday, 7 September

The ABCs of Transboundary Conservation (Virtual Channel 6, Online only) | Learn the basics of transboundary conservation (TBC) from experts and practitioners and get inspired to initiate your TBC project


Nature-based Solutions at the heart of climate change adaptation in the Western Balkans (Online only) | Explore the value of employing Nature-based Solutions in response to societal challenges

enviroLENS – European Earth Observation Capacities for Environmental Law Enforcement Support (Online only) | Learn how innovative Earth Observation-based technologies can be combined with components from the legal sector to support evidence-based decision making in the environmental domain