Story | 28 Nov, 2017

Chinese Climate Change Negotiators visiting ELC

During the UNFCCC COP23, Director Qian Zhou and Deputy Director Zihua Gu of the Climate Change Office, Department of Treaty and Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China paid a courtesy call to the IUCN Environmental Law Centre. 

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Despite their full programme and intense negotiation schedule at the UNFCCC COP23, Director Zhou and Gu made time to visit the Law Centre to learn about the work the Centre does and to introduce the work of the Climate Change Office at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China.

Both sides exchanged thoughts on the implementation of Multilateral Environmental Agreements, the role of environmental diplomacy, and the new global initiative “Global Pact for the Environment”.  Dr Alejandro Iza, Director of the Environmental Law Centre, invited the Chinese guests for future visits to continue the exchange of views on environmental law issues of mutual interest and explore joint opportunities to support the effective implementation of Multilateral Environmental Agreements.