Story | 15 Jun, 2020

What is IUCN doing to conserve the ocean?

The short answer is: a lot!  We are pleased to circulate the latest edition of Marine News magazine; a 64-page review of all the activities on marine and coastal conservation happening across the Union, with spectacular images of this work happening around the globe. 

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Marine News Issue 15

Photo: IUCN Global Marine and Polar Programme

Marine News Issue 15 features articles on the big themes that the IUCN Marine and Polar Programme is working on, including climate change and marine plastics:

  • We report activities from the six regions where IUCN is tackling the marine plastics problem.
  • We not only highlight climate change by raising awareness on individual threats to the ocean, such as deoxygenation and acidification, but also set out examples of how restoration and protection measures are bringing a series of benefits.  
  • We look at how these restoration and protection measures can be financed through new and innovative financial mechanisms.
  • Other vital themes are not forgotten. Also reported are: polar conservation, seamounts, high seas governance, deep-sea mining, and IUCN’s long-standing initiative to project western gray whales.  We also present the ocean-related work of several IUCN Commissions and selected IUCN regional offices.

The magazine finishes by

  • Highlighting recent IUCN publications,
  • A who’s who of key marine staff and partners,
  • And finally a colourful global map of our work on the ground is featured.

Marine News was first published in 2005.  Both the Programme and the magazine have evolved considerably since then. We hope that this issue brings you an appreciation of all that IUCN Global Marine and Polar Programme is working on to bring about an understanding of the status of the natural world and ensuring the right measures are being taken to safeguard it.