Press release | 19 Jul, 2021

Teaming up to Protect Endangered Species

Last December 2020, IUCN declared 31 species that have already become extinct – and that number will inevitably grow unless there is immediate action. Fonfrège and IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC) partnership showcases how business can make a difference by highlighting to new audiences the urgent need to protect wildlife and nature.

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Photo: Fonfrege

In May this year, Fonfrège has partnered with the IUCN Species Survival Commission to bring awareness and financial support to the vision of: “A just world that values and conserves nature through positive action to both prevent the loss and aid recovery of diversity of life on earth”, with a special Limited Edition T-Shirt designed by Brazilian artist Bárbara Dantas. 

Through 'A Planet in Peril', the Fonfrège' campaign gives the framework to this alliance, which aims to transform public awareness and incentive community engagement in species conservation. The message is essentially that conservation efforts can make a difference to the survival prospects for species and that supporting IUCN SSC is a good way to make that happen because of its expertise and long trajectory in species conservation. An important portion of proceeds from the sale of the t-shirt will be invested in supporting conservation projects within the SSC Network.

“Experts warn that we reached Earth's limits in terms of her capacity to sustain plants, animals and fungi at current levels. If we think of Earth as an investment for life this is like eroding the capital, instead of living from the dividends,” says Jon Paul Rodríguez, Chair of the IUCN Species Survival Commission.

“Extinction does not necessarily mean that our planet cannot reverse the loss of biodiversity. The planet like the human body, can recover – but only if measures are taken swiftly,” says Bertrand Pellegrin, Director of Merchandising of Fonfrège. “Our alliance with the IUCN SSC has helped us understand just how critical it is to take action immediately to halt the destruction of our planet’s species. Conservation is now everyone’s responsibility. We can no longer hand off the responsibility and hope for the best. Now more than ever we must work to save a planet in peril. 

The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™ is currently tracking over 128,918 species, of which, 35,765 are threatened with extinction. The Species Survival Commission’s experts provide the IUCN with scientific information on where our biodiversity is being compromised, and why those particular species are a warning sign.

“There is plenty of evidence that if we let her do it, nature bounces back,” says Jon Paul. “We have seen it in the sea, on land and in rivers and lakes. Infinitely more money is spent destroying nature than saving species and ecosystems. We just need to tip the balance in favor of nature. We know how to do conservation, but need to do a lot more of it.”

This campaign wants to promote awareness and interest in species by engaging audiences who will influence the policies and spending patterns of tomorrow. These actions in coordination with sustained efforts by other business sectors, and alongside continued international governmental cooperation on protecting species from extinction can create the support and resources needed to shift the Red List Index from decline to recovery instead. Such a cultural shift requires broad societal participation over time, fueled by supporting communications. Fonfrège campaign is a great example on how introduce that change through an inspiring campaign.

Purchase a t-shirt and support the IUCN Species Survival Commission and Fonfrège in this laudable campaign to raise awareness and save species. For more information, visit Fonfrège website: