Conféderation Européenne des Propriétaires Forestiers

CEPF is a non-profit-making organisation representing the interests of European forest owners. It promotes and protects the concept of family forestry through enhanced collaboration by its members, cooperation with the European institutions as well as extensive networking and lobbying activities. The cooperation of CEPF members and stakeholder groups is sustained through the coordination and activties of the Head office in Brussels, with guidelines and steering support from the CEPF General Assembly and the CEPF Board. In addition to this, working groups are established both on a permanent as well as ad hoc basis to elaborate on emerging issues and specific policy areas. CEPF was established in Luxembourg in 1996 as a successor organization to the Central Committee of Forest Owners in the European Economic Community, which was founded in 1961. In 2012, the head office of CEPF officially moved from Luxembourg to Brussels, Belgium. In 2012, CEPF and Nordic Family Forestry (NSF) agreed to build more structured collaboration, and NSF staff oficially became part of the CEPF team.

Member at a glance

Member name:
Conféderation Européenne des Propriétaires Forestiers
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