Ministry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure

The mandate of the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning is defined by UNMIK regulation no. 2002/5 and 2005/15. Within these regulatory responsibilities relating to the creation and implementation of general management legislation in the field of Environment, Water, Housing Spatial Planning and Construction. In order to do such a thing, the Ministry has set up departments, institutes and the Environmental Protection Agency. MESP has 9 departments: Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), Department of Spatial Planning (DSP) Department of Housing and Construction (DBN), Department of Water (DU), Department of Central Administration (DCA), Department of Procurement (DP), Department of National Park "Sharr Mountain",Department of Depropertizing,Department for European Integration. Two institutes: Hydrometeorology Institute, Institute for Spatial Planning Inspectorate and Kosovo Agency for Environmental Protection that carries three divisions: Directory of Environmental Information System,Directory of Environmental Monitoring andDirectory of Desiging Reports, Plans and Environmental programs

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Ministry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure
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