Ruajtja dhe Mbrojtja e Mejedisit Natyror ne Shqiperi

Protection and Preservation of Natural Environment in Albania (PPNEA, is a non-governmental environmental organization that operates nationwide in Albania. PPNEA is known to be the first environmental organization in Albania, as it was officially established on 5 June 1991, with a special decree of the Albanian Academy of Sciences at the time. Following its creation, PPNEA established as a highly active organization, participating in and organizing many environmental awareness campaigns in Albania as well as undertaking a vast array of different projects with focus on various environmental issues. Two decades after its creation the organization carries with it a vast experience in nature and biodiversity conservation issues, in environmental education, in promotion of a more sustainable livelihood and most recently has engaged in interdisciplinary projects regarding natural resources management.

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Ruajtja dhe Mbrojtja e Mejedisit Natyror ne Shqiperi
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