Story | 24 Jul, 2013

Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas and climate change

Climate change is likely to have drastic effects on the habitat of the Mediterranean flora and fauna, but its impacts will vary between Mediterranean regions and between marine protected areas (MPAs) within each region. This IUCN guide analyzes the threats and effects of climate change on Mediterranean marine biodiversity and provides MPA managers with tools to monitor and mitigate changes in their own MPA.


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Photo: UICN-Med

"Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas and climate change, a guide to regional monitoring and adaptation opportunities" was prepared by the IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation in collaboration with the Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA), within the MedPAN North project funded by the European Regional Development Fund, the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development (AECID) and the RAC/SPA biannual programme funded by the Mediterranean Trust Fund of the Barcelona Convention.

For more information : Maria del Mar Otero