Grupo de Comisión de la UICN

Joven profesional de la CSE de la UICN

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Resumen y descripción

La Comisión de Supervivencia de Especies (CSE) de la UICN creó el Grupo de Trabajo de Jóvenes Profesionales para que propusiera un plan de ejecución de las actividades desde la perspectiva de la CSE ...

La Comisión de Supervivencia de Especies (CSE) de la UICN creó el Grupo de Trabajo de Jóvenes Profesionales para que propusiera un plan de ejecución de las actividades desde la perspectiva de la CSE para alcanzar los objetivos de la estrategia de juventud desarrollada por la UICN.

Liderazgo de grupo

Mr Jimmy LEE

Over the course of the past 12 years, I have remained committed to my roles for wildlife conservation. During this time, I have fostered close collaborations with esteemed partners, encompassing…

Over the course of the past 12 years, I have remained committed to my roles for wildlife conservation. During this time, I have fostered close collaborations with esteemed partners, encompassing local governmental agencies, diverse universities, and non-governmental organizations. In this capacity, my primary objective has been the cultivation of personnel capacity building and the enhancement of laboratory testing capabilities. Concurrently, I have dedicated myself to the establishment of robust and sustainable disease surveillance systems, thoughtfully tailored to benefit not only human populations but also wildlife and livestock. This holistic approach aligns with the One Health framework, and it is my aspiration to contribute to a healthier environment, extending beyond the borders of Malaysia to the broader region.



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Nombre oficial:
Joven profesional de la CSE de la UICN