Groupe de spécialistes des requins de la CSE de l'UICN

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Vue d'ensemble et description

On estime que 37% des requins, des raies et des chimères sont menacés d'extinction selon la Liste rouge des espèces menacées de l'UICN. Notre mission est d'assurer la conservation, la gestion et, si ...

On estime que 37% des requins, des raies et des chimères sont menacés d'extinction selon la Liste rouge des espèces menacées de l'UICN. Notre mission est d'assurer la conservation, la gestion et, si nécessaire, le rétablissement des requins, des raies et des chimères du monde entier en mobilisant l'expertise technique et scientifique pour fournir les connaissances qui permettent d'agir.

Leadership de groupe


Commission Deputy Chair
Deputy Chair Dr Rima Jabado is the Deputy Chair of the IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC) and Chair of the IUCN SSC Shark…

Deputy Chair

Dr Rima Jabado is the Deputy Chair of the IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC) and Chair of the IUCN SSC Shark Specialist Group. As a scientist and conservationist, she has spent over 20 years developing and working on conservation initiatives globally. Her work focuses on bridging the gap between science and policy to ensure issues such as bycatch, threatened species conservation, and illegal trade are tackled. Her research has been instrumental in influencing decision makers to implement meaningful measures for the protection of species across a range of fisheries. She is now leading the Important Shark and Ray Areas (ISRA) project to ensure sharks, rays, and chimaeras are considered in area-based management initiatives around the world. She is a member of the IUCN Marine Conservation Committee, serves as the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) Appointed Scientific Councilor for Fish, and sits on the Advisory Committee for the CMS Sharks Memorandum of Understanding as the representative of the Asia region. She has also founded the Elasmo Project, a non-profit initiative that encourages and supports work in data-poor areas focused on investigating shark and ray fisheries and trade.

Dr Cassandra RIGBY

Red List Authority Coordinator
Reassessed all chondrichthyans for the Red List of Threatened Species as part of the Global Shark Trends. Running workshops for WWF on Guidelines to improve conservation and management of sharks in…
Reassessed all chondrichthyans for the Red List of Threatened Species as part of the Global Shark Trends. Running workshops for WWF on Guidelines to improve conservation and management of sharks in Marine Protected Areas. Producing the Ray Report Card for Australia.


Red List Authority Coordinator

En bref

Nom officiel :
Groupe de spécialistes des requins de la CSE de l'UICN