Story | 06 May, 2020

IUCN releases new resource guide to boost conservation community’s influence with business

Civil society organisations have an important role to play in assisting business on their path to sustainability, and a newly-curated resource guide, launched today, aims to help conservation groups achieve this goal.

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Photo: IUCN-Nadine McCormick

The new compilation of resources, which provides a step-by-step approach, will roll-out top tips, case studies and additional tools over the next nine months.

“The conservation community needs to go beyond business as usual, and share our knowledge about the different ways to support private sector engagement, so we can increase our effectiveness and accelerate change in business practices,” said IUCN’s Nadine McCormick, who leads the BioBiz Exchange initiative. “We no longer have the luxury of time when it comes to addressing biodiversity loss and climate change, and everyone can play their part.”

In response to requests from IUCN Members, including through initiatives such as Shared Resources, Joint Solutions, IUCN has collated some initial tools and lessons as an online guide to assist organisations interested in influencing business to achieve conservation goals. Specific case studies can be found on the PANORAMA: Solutions for a Healthy Planet platform.                                                                         

Such direct engagement through partnerships is one way to influence business practices. Business can also be influenced indirectly by mobilising public policy, for instance.

These resources are designed to support conservation professionals throughout their business engagement journey. They include how-to guides, slide decks, speaking notes, blogs, webinars, case studies and more. They are freely available to download and can be adapted to fit specific purposes.

In addition, a BioBiz Exchange Workplace Group has been created to facilitate a more informal exchange, where participants can share ideas and experiences with their peers.

Finally, to identify further needs and tailor its future resources, IUCN is conducting a survey, which is open to IUCN Members, IUCN Commissioners and other interested partners until the end of June.  

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